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Your Daily Mix of Engaging Media...

Our expanding lifestyle and news media
websites offer engaging, fun and high impact
content to our ever growing community.

About Us

Daily Mix Media Delivers Page Views to a Growing Community of Passionate Readers... Our Daily Mix of engaging news, articles and videos are at the forefront of what online audiences are seeking and sharing in this ever-growing lifestyle focused online community. Our flexible infrastructure and proprietary content serving technology intuitively delivers what content is most in demand to our active community.
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Web Properties

Recipe Recap Logo
Recipe Recap Screenshot
BuzzHUD Logo

BuzzHUD Screenshot
Daily Bend Logo
Daily Bend Screenshot


Reach Targeted Monthly Readers
Our high quality and engaging content provides a receptive
platform for advertisers to share their brand with our passionate
and informed readers.

Some of our advertising opportunities include:
- Targeted channel sponsorship
- Custom ad units (banners and video)
- Custom content integration (onsite and newsletter)

Contact Daily Mix Media

Thank You for your interest in Vizicom, Inc. Due to demand, we only work with referrals. Please have your referral provide the appropriate contact details.